Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Composition Blog

Rule of Thirds - The rule of thirds is a compositional rule of thumb in visual arts such as painting, photography and design

Vertical Composition - going up and down
Horizontal Composition - going side to side

Visual Balence -  In visual balance, each area of a painting suggests a certain visual weight, a certain degree of lightness or heaviness.

Balance - symetrical composition - Symmetrical balance is seen in perfectly centered compositions or those with mirror images. In a design with only two elements they would be almost identical or have nearly the same visual mass.
Move in Closer - macro photography - Macro photography is close-up photography. The classical definition is that the image projected on the "film plane"
Landscape - Landscape photography is a genre intended to show different spaces within the world, sometimes vast and unending

 Leading Lines - A leading line is a line formed by a pair of marks, which are generally man-made, that are used in position fixing and navigation

The Illusion of Perspective - Perspective is used to create an illusion of space and depth on a flat surface
Patterns - something that repeats

Natural Framing - Natural framing in photography is a common compositional technique whereby the photographer seeks out natural elements in the environment to serve as frames for the photograph.

Depth of Field: Shallow - Object focused on is clear and background is blurd so the attention is focused of the object.
Depth of Feild: Great - The depth of field does not abruptly change from sharp to unsharp, but instead occurs as a gradual transition. In fact, everything immediately in front of or in back of the focusing distance begins to lose sharpness — even if this is not perceived by our eyes or by the resolution of the camera.
Experiment -
Experimental photography is a phrase that includes alternative process techniques, and broadly refers to any photographic process


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